Child & Family Support Services is a not-for-profit organization established in the South Bronx in 2002. We are devoted to providing services to individuals across the lifespan with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our services are geared toward skill building, community involvement, and self-advocacy.
As an agency contracting with the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), we provide Speech Therapy, Day Habilitation without Walls, Community Habilitation, Community Prevocational, and Respite services in the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Lower Westchester.
Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.
Our Vision
Child & Family Support Services, Inc. is dedicated to rendering services in a culturally sensitive, person-centered, and family-oriented manner, with an emphasis on intervention through education, and appropriate services. Being part of the community gives us a greater understanding of the plight of the people we serve. Through our multilingual and multicultural staff, we reach out to a variety of ethnic groups in the under-serviced areas of metropolitan New York City.
We assist families in becoming stable, thereby preparing them to focus on the person with the disability and giving them the attention they deserve.
Through informative, nurturing, and supportive direct care, we are committed to empowering the families and disabled individuals with the tools to become strong self-advocates.
We make the appropriate links with other agencies and facilities to expand the range of services and choices for each individual in need.

Magaly Mevs-Hammond, M.S.CCC-SLP
Michael Bianco
Director of Operations
Victoria Hammond, MA, CCC-SLP
Director of Programs
Email: vhammond@nycfss.org
Aida Rodriguez
Assistant Director of Programs
Email: arodriguez@nycfss.org